witchcraft has been intwined into my soul’s journey for centuries. It weaved it’s way into this lifetime early on in the sequence of it; my aunt and sisters indoctrinated me the craft by showing me how to work with my own Ki or Prana, my energy life force to find truths and create a deep trust and understanding of the natural elements that surrounded us all. I was a proud guinea pig to my older sisters spells and full moon rituals. At 5 years old thought it was sooooo cool that there were so many people around me that I couldn’t see, and all they wanted to was play with the faeries and me in the garden, and tell me stories of plants and ancient forces that’s sole purpose was to guide me on my journey through life, a secret conversation for my ears only. How special was I?

I recall my show and tell presentation in year three - it consisted of three upside down plastic cups and a rock. After asking the angels to help me find the rock under one of these cups that a fellow classmate had hidden with my eyes squeezed tightly shut and back turned, I used my Ki, the heat billowing from my palm to cast my hand unto the correct batman special blue and yellow cup that held this precious rock . I still can see the face of my year three teacher looking very perplexed and silently brooding as he scrambled his brain for some sort of understanding.

To me magic has always been apart of who I am - it was only as I grew older I found out that not everyone used it or even cared about it! It became clear to me that I had to find my people - my family and best childhood friend Eliza were the ones who kept the strength of my belief alive. What an honour to hold such a tight and intimate connection with Mother Nature and all of my angels. It is what drew me to study and practice herbal medicine - for that’s all a herbalist really is anyway.. a damn witch.

Today, we understand the label “witch” to hold negative connotations. Patriarchal dominion saw the death of Pagan rites overthrown by Catholicism, which honestly couldn’t be further from the true history and teachings of Jesus Christ. With women being burned alive for suspected witchcraft, flying on broomsticks and preying ill upon those not of their favour, we had to retreat to the shadows of thick forests and full moons to pertain appropriate ritualistic ceremonies that allowed us to express our true power, connection and show the respect that we hold for our natural life on earth, or mother planet.
Through working with powers that God + Goddess embody, we grow closer to them. Working with deep dedication, harnessing the power of the planets, plants, magickal forces and deities brings you closer to your core.

Wicca is simply understanding your power force and the power force of all natural and living things in this dimension. To manipulate the influence or direction of a channeling power force, be it your own, or harnessing the Ki of an ancestor, guide or 100 year old tree in your local park to positively impact a scenario. Your desire is not shameful - what you seek is also seeking you. Using a chilli as a medallion of protection or a picture of a saint above your stove as so each meal cooked underneath it shall boast delicious flavours and content bellies, using carefully positioned furniture in your home to allow for proper energetic flow and prosperity in your day to day life are all things I’m sure you have heard before, across several teachings and cultures. By now I’m hoping you are starting to understand the fact of the matter here.. connection.. listening and understanding nature. Who you are at your core is nature.

True witchcraft should never cause harm, for that defies a core principle of the craft. The craft understands the laws of Karma.
“do what you want, as long as you harm no one” which holds another Wiccan truth within it:
“cause harm unto yourself or deny your body the necessities of life, you are in violation of this principle”

Once you open yourself to the natural lores of this earthly plane you give yourself the gift of expansive opportunities. Exiting the matrix and turning your focused direction towards pure enjoyment during your incarnation crates endless creative sparks that can run beyond your wildest imagination. Working with the cycling nature of existence allows you to truly encapsulate the ride - we are apart of nature. There is no separation, but you are also a unique player of this game. You hold free will, and you also have no idea what is in store for you. Indoctrinating the craft into your daily lifestyle allows the mystery to become more fun, more malleable and valuable. There is so much to learn from the ancient scriptures of our ancestors, we have only drawn further and further away from ritualism and connection. The age of information holds valuable tools for us to learn from as we edge nearer and nearer to the 5D.. It is a proud discipline to connect with the old rites and words of our predecessors to thrust forth into the next chapter of our learning, to ensure I am in good condition to take on the task of bettering and preserving our world. Concern and love for this planet plays a major role in the craft of witches.

I have the ability to harness my personal power to create positive change within my life, and to guide my peers too with the use of Wicca. Using natural elements and old ancient writ to contract wisdom to manifest the highest most expansive good onto my timeline as to further deepen the connection I have with my own soul allows me to be truly authentic in each moment. I am constantly a student of life and am pleased to be introduced to each lesson as they are presented to me.

As like several teachings across the globe Wicca follows the principles of God + Goddess, feminine and masculine energies are held within each aspect of our lives. Evoking specific plants or colours hold power too, as do your words. The vibration that escapes your Vishuddha chakra, or throat (space of communication) can reach as far as you conjure it. Your thoughts hold more power than you give them grace, everything can hold purpose if you deem it so. Understanding the power YOU hold can move metaphorical mountains, or maybe real ones if you tried hard enough ;). Tapping in to the myriad of possibilities you can create, understanding how you may be the only limitation in your life and actively removing the obstacles that you create in your perception is WAITING for you to realise just that.

Having a daily practice that involves repetition, love and conscious thought will be what creates your tangible reality. Are you ready?



