Chicken and Leek risotto
serves 4
NB: access organic produce where possible, especailly animal products.
(local if possible) chicken breast
1 leek
8 mushrooms, sliced
3 cloves garlic
3 sprig thyme
handfull of dill
1 red chilli
2/3 cups of arborio rice
3 litres stock, or filtered water
1 lemon
butter, heaps
quality parmesan, grated on small.
Slice and poach chicken breast until just cooked and tender. Set aside.
Melt butter in medium pot
Slice leek and chilli and add to the buttery pot, let simmer for 5 min.
Slice mushrooms and add to pot. chuck a bit of thyme & dill in, though leave enough dill to garnish. Mix through so mushrooms are covered and buttery.
Once mushrooms are looking cooked, add all rice to pot and stir so all equally covered. Add 1 litre of liquid and stir. Stir continuously on medium heat until water begins to evaporate, add more liquid and stir again.
Now in my experience, you don’t need to stand there the entire time an stir like most risotto recipes require. Just don’t wonder too far away, keep your eye on it. Add more liquid as needed. Add lid. Keep checking on it until the risotto is starting to look almost ready. Add the chicken with the last litre of water so it adds to the flavour of the risotto.
Add juice of half a lemon and gently stir.
Once the risotto is perfectly cooked, add parmesan and serve with a wedge of lemon and dressed in dill.
Organic Manuka Honey Cacao Mousse Pie
Organic unbleached all purpose flour - 1/3 cup
Grass fed butter, 150g ish (cubed)
Celtic salt good pinch
Water 1/2 cup
1 egg
Coconut cream 1/3 can
Manuka honey - 3 or so tablespoons
1/2 medium sized avocado
Organic ceremonial grade cacao block - 100g
In a bowl mix together salt and flour.
In seperate bowl whisk egg and water.
Add cubes of butter to flour and mix through with hands until resembles breadcrumbs.
Add liquid mix and stir through with hands or mix master.
Roll into ball and sit in cling wrap in fridge for 4-12 hours.
Pre-heat the oven to 180
Roll out the dough and place in your baking dish of choice, baking for 15 minutes or until looking brown. Remove from oven to cool. Now you have your crust :)
Bring a saucepan of water to simmer on stovetop.
Sit a heat proof bowl above saucepan and add 100g of cacao to melt, stirring as to not burn the cacao and remove when melted to slightly cool.
Slice or dice the avo then add to bowl with coconut milk and honey, mix together until avocado is totally mixed in. You can use a mix master to get good results for fluffy-factor. If doing by hand once the avocado seems to be broken down find a whisk and whisk together the mixture for 3 or so minutes until the texture starts to become whipped. Add mix to crust and even texture across the crust and put in fridge to set for 2 hours.
Barley Jerusalem Artichoke & Cauliflower Salad
1 cup barley
1 handful parsley, half the amount of dill
1/4 spanish onion
3/4 whole cauliflower, or roughly 5-6 florets
1/2 Jerusalem artichoke
1 cup baby spinach or similar
1 tablespoon currants
1 tablespoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon coriander powder
1 teaspoon celery powder
1 tablespoon home made onion relish
olive oil
half a lemon
pre-heat oven to 180-200 degrees
lay cauliflower and artichoke on baking tray
in bowl combine all spices; cumin, coriander, celery, garam masala, salt + pepper with a good helping of olive oil & whisk together so well combined
brush the spice mixture over the cauli & artichoke until it is completely covered and the mixture is finished
bake in oven for 30-45 minutes, turn over when looking crispy (about 20 mins in)
meanwhile, boil barley until cooked. Strain & add to large mixing bowl
thinly dice onion and add to bowl with barley
add a tablespoon’s worth of olive oil and mix through with baby spinach, currants & fresh herbs
add one tablespoon of onion relish
once the veg is cooked well with a little crisp edge to it, chop roughly and mix through the salad
firmly squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the salad, then serve
Of interest
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is excellent sources of the soluble fibre beta-glucan. Beta-glucan has been shown to improve blood glucose control after a meal- improves insulin response and decreases cholesterol levels. Barley contains B-group vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), folate and pantothenic acid; vitamin E; iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium (depending on the soil content of selenium); and small amounts of copper, manganese and calcium.
These nutrients are used as co factors for neurotransmitter production and play a role in maintaining healthy cholesterol balance. Barley is ow GI which assists our insulin sensitivity and has positive effect on the integrity of our cardiovascular system. Atop this, the vitamins and minerals in barley also create foundations for a robust immune system as well as energy and reproductive health by contributing to our hormone production and function. As barley is a great source of insoluble fibre it is a great friend to the bacteria in our gut, helping us pass stool and promote a healthy and diverse microbiome.
Fire Cider
apple cider vinegar
1 orange
1 lemon
1 red chilli
1 brown onion
1 inch ginger
1 inch tumeric
3 small garlic cloves
fresh oregano
raw honey
1 sterile jar
cut up all fresh ingredients small enough so they will fit in the jar, then put in the jar
grind a teaspoons worth of pepper in
cover with apple cider vinegar, note it is important that the produce is well covered
leave out honey for now
screw lid on tightly and put at the back of the pantry cupboard for 2-4 weeks
after that time period strain liquid through a muslin cloth into another sterile jar then add the honey & shake well
consume 10-20 mLs worth each day, after a generous gulp of water to increase immunity and also to fight pathogens when unwell.
Garden Weed Winter Pie
for the crust:
I use wholemeal flour because it isn’t bleached. You can also use buckwheat flour for a fuller flavour.
2 cups flour
150 grams butter, chilled + cut into cubes
3/4 cup or so chilled water
for the pie:
about an eighth of a regular sized pumpkin, skin on
1/2 a taro
a plentiful handful of whatever weeds are in your garden. I used dandelion, tatsoi and radish leaves
plus the herbs dill and parsley, basil too.
1 clove of garlic
2 ripe tomatoes
2 small sticks of celery or one large one
*onion relish
NB* I made this onion relish whilst letting the dough set in the fridge. Find the recipe on this page, scroll down.
1 egg and some milk
for the crust:
in a magic mixer or similar combine flour, salt and butter until resembles crumbs. While machine still working + on, add chilled water until it comes together nicely then remove. With dry hands, on bench kneed in sprinkled flour until it looks like a nice dough. You will probably want to kneed it for around 5 minutes. Add more flour as needed. Make into a ball, wrap in cling wrap, then refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes.
for the pie:
Cut pumpkin and taro into inch sized cubes and bake in oven until pumpkin becomes soft looking. The taro takes a different appearance but if the pumpkin is looking soft, the taro is also ready. Add to large mixing bowl.
Chop the greens roughly, as with the garlic. Add to bowl.
Eighth the tomatoes. Add to bowl with the onion relish, a good two tablespoons worth and with hands or a wooden spoon mix all together gently but thoroughly. S&P too.
With your pie tin & rolling pin handy, roll out the dough so it is even and mostly circular. Place in tin and press into edges evenly. Add veg mix and press gently + evenly.
In a small bowl whisk together one egg and a splash of milk. Brush over top of pie and pour in remaining liquid so it’s going to reach through evenly.
Bake on 180 for 30-40 minutes or until ready.
Serve with a handsome squeeze of lemon juice and or some tahini.
Sri Lankan beetroot currry
whole beetroot
brown onion
green chilli
coconut milk
curry leaves. fresh, plentiful
turmeric powder
cardamom pods
coriander seed, ground
coriander leaves
cumin seeds, ground
shredded coconut
lime juice
long grain rice to serve
wash beetroots + remove ends, chop into 1-2 inch portions
slice onion + add to hot pan
add turmeric, curry leaves, salt, coriander seed, cumin, cardamon pods + stir
add beetroot, stir
add all coconut milk + some water
simmer for 20 minutes, stirring and watching beetroots turn soft.
Check taste.. add more salt/curry leaves if necessary.
When a fork pushes through the beetroot easily and the flavour is right serve with rice, fresh coriander leaves + sambal (sambal is all of the listed ingredients tossed together).
Of interest
Beetroot is a root vegetable high in iron (Fe), folate (vitamin B9), manganese, Vitamin C and fibre.
For these reasons, beetroot and its juice is used as a blood cleanser.
Reducing high blood pressure, increasing and tonifying the blood. Folate is used in several necessary processes including red blood cell formation, brain and spinal chord development which is why it is important for pregnant women to have adequate B9 levels.
sweet potato + roma tomato salad
sweet potato
roma tomato
spanish onion
baby spinach leaves
broccoli + alfalfa sprouts
raw honey
balsamic vinegar
walnuts, hemp seeds
garlic cloves
cut sweet potato in desired shape, usually 2-3 inches and the tomatoes into eighths. Add S&P and olive oil, toss with hands and put in oven to roast on 180 for 20-30 mins or until well roasted. About 10 mins before finished add garlic cloves with skin on to this.
thinly slice spanish onion and avocado.
heat honey until liquefied, add balsamic, mix through.
place spinach leaves down in salad bowl you will serve from, add roasted veg (besides garlic), avocado, seeds, nuts, sprouts.
pour honey vinegar dressing over.
gently slice the garlic and place over salad.
Of interest
Both broccoli and alfalfa sprouts possess concentrated amounts of vitamins and minerals, namely folate, Vitamin K, magenisum (Mg) and phosphorous (P). Sprouts contain a higher concentration of these nutraceuticals more so than the full grown version of the plant because they are condensed. Broccoli sprouts are high in several lipophilic phytonutrients such as the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, β-carotene, and tocopherols (forms of vitamin E), which also make them a powerful antioxidant. Studieis show this to promote female reproductive health and drastically reduce symptoms of disease of the reproductive organs such as poly cystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, adenomyosis and cervical cancer.
Cashew cheese
raw, unsalted cashews
olive oil
soak cashews in room temperature water for 3-5 hours
or cheat and soak them in warm-boiling water for 25 minutes
add to food processor with juice of one lemon, a quater the rind
garlic, salt and pepper and tumeric powder to taste
turn on, slowly add oil until desired consistency
can be stored in fridge for around a month or so.
of interest
Cashews accure an impressive amount of Vitamin B3 or nacin, niacinamide, and nicotinamide to be technical.
Niacin has a wide range of metabolic functions. Niacin and niacinamide are precursors of the enzymes NAD + NADP which are essential for oxidation reduction reactions, ATP synthesis and ADP-ribose reactions. The main function of NAD is the liberation of energy from dietary fuels, while NADP is mostly involved in fatty acid biosynthesis.
Important to note: tryptophan is an amino acid that is essential in creating the neurotransmitter serotonin. Tryptophan is used to create niacin. Based on studied equivalents, 60mg of tryptophan = 1 mg niacin. Considering an increase of cashews to relieve low mood + depression may be beneficial in combating these issues. Niacin has been used therapeutically to treat pellegra, hyperlipidaemia, osteoarthritis and schizophrenia.
Some interactions of Niacin include the oral contraceptive pill, the gout medication Allopurinol, tetracycline antibiotics, tricyclic anti-depressants, mercaptopurine, azathioprine and thioguanine, statins (beneficial interactions when administered concurrently).
Ginger, cabbage, tempeh salad
grape seed oil
1 inch ginger
green or purple cabbage, or both
sugar snap peas
spanish onion
fry tempeh until golden brown and crisp in oil cut 1/2 an inch in size, or desired.
grab your box grater.
using the slicing side of the grater, push the following ingredients through then add to serving bowl in concession of their completion:
cabbage, carrot, onion, ginger, cucumber.
cut peas into bite size.
slice avocado as desired.
Chop almonds roughly.
combine tahini and fresh lemon juice until runny.
Pour tahini over salad and mix through with wakame and pepitas.
green beans
brown onion
basil + parsley, fresh.
red chilli whole
S&P, olive oil
Crusty french stick to serve.
Roughly chop and salt eggplant. Leave for ten minutes on paper towel, rinse + squeeze excess juice.
Bring a pan of salted water to boil, add potatoes for 15 minutes then remove. Save water.
Meanwhile core tomatoes and cut small X at bottom of each tomato.
Using same water from potatoes bring to boil again to blanch tomatoes for one minute then set aside in bowl.
In large saucepan heat olive oil + add onion. When translucent add eggplant and stir through, add salt and pepper + garlic.
After 5 minutes add zucchini, capsicum, tomato and green beans. Simmer for twenty.
Add potatoes and stir through with chopped red chilli, chopped basil and parsley.
Serve in a bowl with a side of crusty and buttery bread.
of interest
parsley is one of the most impressively nutritious herbs that we consume. With high amounts of Vitamin A, C, K and folate this nutrient rich herb should be consumed often.
Medicinal Mushroom & Leek Tart
NB ~ This tart is dependant on season and location. If it is possible for you to purchase fresh Lions Mane mushrooms in your area, do so. otherwise you may purchase dried mushrooms as well as fresh field mushrooms
puff pastry
Fresh mushrooms - you may use a singular type or combination of the following: shiitake, field, lions mane, reishi (dried).
fresh thyme, parsley and basil
nutritional yeast
home made cashew cheese
fresh lemon
olive oil
One egg.
Milk of choice.
Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
Line tart tin with baking paper or simply coat with olive oil and add the puff pastry, shaping to the edges of the tin.
Place in oven for 15 minutes or until starting to brown, then remove.
Fry up some sliced leek + mushrooms in oil + w S&P. Add sliced garlic when almost cooked.
Add the following ingredients to a mixing bowl: leek + mushroom mix (spare some mushrooms for decorative purposes, so choose the most aesthetically pleasing few of your choice), thyme, basil (save x2 big pretty leaves) parsley, all listed spices, some more oil and a good squeeze of lemon juice. Let sit.
Now the pastry has cooled some, line the base with a layer of cashew cheese and sprinkle some nutritional yeast on top. Put back in oven on high for 5-8 minutes.
Remove tart from oven. Add the mushroom mixture and spread evenly.
Whisk together one egg and a little milk. Not too runny. Pour over.
Place aesthetic mushrooms and the two big basil leaves that you set aside on top then sprinkle some more N. yeast on top.
Cook in oven until ready at 180-200 degrees (depending on your oven, just check the tart periodically, you’ll know) but usually between 20-30 mins.
of interest
medicinal mushrooms are so beneficial for our health for a plethora of reasons, and each one listed here hold different and similar medicinal purposes. I’ll name a few. Mushrooms in general contain Iron, protein and fibre.
Lions Mane can improve cognitive function and nerve signalling. It also aids digestion and bowel integrity. It’s anti-inflammatory.
Shiitake is high in B group vitamins. B vitamins are important for mood, cognitive function, energy, nerve signalling and immunity. Shiitake is said to fight cancer. It’s also anti-inflammatory. Shiitake contains beta-glucans such as lentinan. Lentinan has anti-cancer activity by activating macrophages, T helper cells + NK cells and stimulates the production of interleukins + TNF-alpha (immune responses). Another healthful constituent of Shiitake is eritadenine which lowers serum cholesterol and lipids, reduces the buildup of fat in the liver and lowers blood pressure.
Reishi - the ultimate healer. Reishi (also called Lingzhi) has incredible health effects namely the red and black varieties. It is known for its improvement of cognitive function + memory and cardiovascular functionality, as well as immune health, anti-viral, anticancer, anti-diabetic and anti-ageing qualities. We can thank the bioactives such as terpenes, polysaccharides for their antioxidant activity, the alkaloid cyclo-octasulfur for it’s heart-toning effects, the triterpine gangodermadiol that lowers blood pressure + inhibits cholesterol synthesis and the beta-D-glucan that supports marcophage function (immune wealth), making it a therapeutic target for allergic reactions.
The list does go on, too; Reishi has been shown to reduce arthritis, cardiovascular disease, menopausal complaints, a noticeable reduction in pain and can accelerate healing in genital and oral herpes.
Winter Garlic Syrup
3-4 garlic cloves
Raw honey (I use Manuka) 1 tbsp
Fennel seeds 1 tsp
Cumin, seed or powdered 1 tsp
Celery seed, powdered 1tsp
Coriander seed, powdered 1 tsp
Turmeric, chopped raw or powdered (MUST be organic) 1 tsp
1/4 lemon wedge
1/4 cup ACV
Roughly chop garlic and add to saucepan on medium heat
Add all spices and about 1-2 cups of water, let simmer for 10 minutes, until garlic is soft.
Remove from heat and transfer to a sterile jar.
Let sit overnight in the pantry, away from light. Make sure sealed correctly.
Bring to heat again in saucepan and all 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and honey, stir in and bring to boil.
As soon as it hits boiling point, immediately remove from heat and strain into a sterile jar through mylk bag or muslin cloth. Keep plant material and save for other use.
Let syrup cool in a room temperature place (pantry or bench) then store in fridge for up to one year. Use the softened garlic mixture as an addition to any meal, I use mine when frying up some greens or mushrooms. Can store in fridge up to one year, if it' lasts that long.
Onion Relish
3 large brown onions
1 inch fresh turmeric
1 tablespoon rosemary, dried or fresh
Good olive oil
Raw sugar
Chop onions finely, add to saucepan with oil on medium
Chop turmeric finely, add to saucepan with rosemary + S&P
Simmer for 15-20 stirring gently, until onion is translucent and soft
Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, stir
Simmer for a further 5-10 then remove from heat
Add to clean airtight jar, keep refrigerated for up to 4 weeks
Spiced braised Cabbage and Tofu
Sugarloaf cabbage
Brown onion
powdered yellow mustard
Fresh curry leaves
Yellow + black mustard seeds, whole
Cayenne pepper
One green chilli
Firm tofu
Baby spinach leaves
Slice tofu as desired. Remove all excess water then place in clean tea towel + gently press more excess water out, wrap tofu in another tea towel and add weight to it to further expel water. Put to side.
Slice cabbage, onion.
Heat large pan, add ghee.
Add curry leaves, mustard seeds, chilli, turmeric, S&P, mustard powder & wait for the first pop of the mustard seeds, then add onion and cabbage.
Stir and fry. Add cayenne.
Remove tofu from tea towel and lay out. Cover in breadcrumbs until evenly coated.
In a seperate pan w ghee fry tofu until golden.
In the bowl you wish to serve from, add all ingredients including baby spinach leaves and mix well.
of interest
Cabbage comprising several cultivars of Brassica oleracea, is a leafy green plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads and is known as a cruciferous vegetable. Cabbage is water & fibre dense, high in vitamin C + K and the bioactive phytochemical sulforaphane (SNF).
Sulforaphane is an organosulphur compound (OC). OC’s give food their pungent taste and smell and have been studied to be strong antioxidants with anti-inflammatory + detoxification effects on the body. OC’s have shown anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth of tumour cells and induce apoptosis of abnormal cells.
Specifically sulforaphane inhibits the enzyme histone decetylase which helps genes that are switched off in cancer cells to trigger cancer cell arrest and apoptosis. SNF has been shown to cease the growth of human colon cancer cells with 80% of cells stop growing, then die within three hours of consumption. Similar results have been seen in breast cancer cells.
This website is a good reference for seasonal produce: