What is iridology?
Simply put - iridology is the study of the iris and cornea that gives us a clear indication of the subjects systemic health and organ function.
There are records from ancient Egypt to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) scribes showing the use of iridology, although the iridology naturopaths and herbalists alike use today was founded by a Hungarian physician named Dr Ignatz von Peczely in the mid 1800s.
In Australia I was taught by my lectures under the guise of wisdom produced by Dorothy Hall; an Australian naturopath and keen iridologist. She has written a number of textbooks on the topic and would run workshops on how to use iridology in practice.
Iridology equates the iris to correspond to specific organs in the human body displayed upon ones iris like the face of a clock.
By examining the iris and cornea with a specialised eye torch we notice significant findings that are telling of ones health, for example; broken bones, scar tissue, inflammation points or points of stress that the individual may or may not be aware of.
The fabric of the iris is telling of ones constitution, too. You may have noticed the fibres of the iris before. This part of your make up can tell an iridologist about what your predisposed genetic weaknesses and strengths are. For example if you have brown eyes and are a hematogenic type you may be more susceptible to endocrine and digestive disorders, or if you have a silk/linen type there is potential for issues like osteoarthritis or kidney stones to manifest IF we do not support this iris type with the correct diet and lifestyle.
With this information we can correctly navigate what herbal and nutritional medicine your body will most proficiently respond to. We understand more and more about the study of epigenetics - how we can transform (positively or negatively) our genetic makeup, think environmental factors, stress and genome sequence.
Iridology is a fascinating tool that has little support of scientific research to legitimise it in the world of modern western medicine. Luckily for iridologists, naturopaths and herbalists, we understand that science takes time to catch up to the profound and ancient methods used by medicine folk for centuries, and we do not shun modern medicine for it’s pre-cautious perspective. As time evolves, we work with scientific research to explain what has been known for eons and to further aid in the healing of our patients.
If you take note of the empirical evidence that historically validates iridology as a sound example of understanding an individuals health we can see that it is a fine tool in our toolbox of wealthy knowledge that promotes the movement of sickness towards impeccable health.